Politics in the Americas

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No me cabe ninguna duda de que la historia de El Salvador se dividirá entre antes y después de Mauricio
ex-presidente de Brasil Luiz Inácio Lula Silva

Nov. 20, 2020, 4:44 p.m.

Giuliani Rants Mickey Mouse and More

By Maurice Ticas


El Salvador


Rudy Giuliani Sweats Black Ink

Let's be clear. Their is a coup attempt for President Trump to hold on to power in the United States. It's a flagrant attack. One among the participants of this coup for Trump is Rudy Giuliani. He is a character showing us how weird politics can be when the situation has turned topsy-turvy. With this Republican party's attempt of a coup d'etat we have a threatening and unprecedented situation. I'd like to highlight certain parts of Giuliani's rhetoric from yesterday's comic public appearance.

During his press conference yesterday, he mentions Mickey Mouse. He sweats profusely. Wipes the sweat during the press conference, but overlooks the black dye falling down on the side of his face. He rants about Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, and Nicolás Maduro and makes a pop culture reference to a movie he likes named "My Cousin Vinny". How much more comical can you get with this President Trump and his Giuliani?

Giuliani's mention of Latin American figures from Venezuela and Mickey Mouse show us that he has Latin America and Disney Land on his mind when attempting to foster in a coup.

To be fair, El Salvador's business elites from ANEP(Asociación Nacional de la Empresa Privada) invited Giuliani in 2015 to help El Salvador turn the tide against gang violence during Sánchez Cerén term in office as president. At that time Giuliani was operating a security consulting firm and took on ANEP as his firm's client. So it is not as if no one takes Giuliani seriously.

Now, Giuliani's big cient is President Trump. But unlike in 2015 when security from gangs and thugs was the main concern, Giuliani is leading President Trumps legal team with aims to undermine this 2020 presidential election.

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