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Un presidente de la República tiene que ocuparse de todos, pero tiene que tener una mirada más cariñosa para las personas más humildes, para los trabajadores, porque son ellos los que necesitan del Estado y no los ricos, que no lo necesitan.
Ex-presidente de Brasil Luiz Inácio Lula Silva

May 28, 2024, 11:32 p.m.

All Eyes on Rafah

By Maurice Ticas






Palestine Will Be Free

In the last few days, there were bombings on the Palestinian people in Rafah coming from an alien US-supported government that is occupying Gaza in Palestine. Today, from a video on CNN, the US State Department Matt Miller stated that nothing has been verified of the claims from the reporter Ellen. She addressed the carnage and massacre that has occurred in Palestinian Gaza land this past Memorial Day weekend. Ellen referenced the videos of Palestinian civillians at their tents on fire, stated of there being a Palestinian child who had their head blown off, and told Mr. Miller of the thirteen of the twenty-one non-combatant Palestinina women civillians being massacred this past weekend. Ellen then asks the question why none of the alarming news against Palestinians has crossed the US President's red line with respect to the Zionist occupying state.

Matt Miller confronts Ellen's question with first stating that tanks occupying Rafah are not verified. He then references the due diligence of the occupying Zionist government in investigating the matter of their own genocidal actions. Matt Miller then continues to speak positively about his administration's attempts to alleviate the humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people. He speaks of the challenges of bringing humanitarian assistance to the Palestinians in the midst of combat. He then further provides cover for his administration's complicit blind eye to aiding and abetting a foreign and alien Zionist government to take over Palestinian land with violence and genocide.

Matt Miller is serving as the glossy lipstick sheen on President Pig Biden's lips when speaking lip service on behalf of the occupying alien government of Benjamin Mileikowsky. He is not the only US government official to provide cover to criminally complicit agents of genocide against the Palestinian people. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is to be included in the list of criminals for providing cover for the genocide under the hands of the occupying foreign Zionist government against the Palestinian people.

During interruptions to Blinken's congressional testimony on Wednesday, May 22, Blinken was interruptedly called a war criminal and a butcher of Gaza. We were reminded at his congressional testimony of the 6 year-old girl Hind Rajab's murder under the hands of the occupying Zionist government.

Blinken's testimony should have also been interrupted to remind us of active duty Airman Aaron Bushnell who on February 25 of this year burned himself in protest to the genocide and oppression against Palestinian people. Another US American sympathetic to the plight and struggles of Palestinian people is Rachel Corrie who on March 16, 2003 was murdered by a bulldozer operated by the alien Zionist government in Palestine. Blinken's testimony should have been interrupted with remembrance calls to Aaron Bushnell and Rachel Corrie, two US American martyrs. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. The freedom call is written with the blood of martyrs.

To President Biden, our America is now searching for answers to the killing of Georgia Airman Roger Fortson who was murdered at home in early May by a sheriff's deputy in the pro NRA state of Florida. President Biden is carrying forward this US domestic violent legacy from George Floyed with no other answer to the insane violence than more cover up to genocidal murder of the Palestinian people.

This US policing of the world tries to cover up its true intent when the price paid to cover up is the disregard to life for whatever reason x,y, or z that the US finds convenient. In the case of Palestine, the convenient reason x,y, or z is for the defeat of Hamas. On April 01, 2024 Mr. Miller was questioned by a reporter about Al Shifa hospital. The reporter asked if Mr. Miller had anything to say about what happened in Al Shifa hospital. Mr. Miller responds with first saying that several members of Hamas were killed and that one hundred and ten of additional members of Hamas were detained. He goes on to say that there is no ability to have full ground truth with regard to the devastation on the civilian population at Al Shifa Hospital. Never mind Mr. Miller's confidence in spitting out numbers of detained Hamas members to exude some kind of pompous victory from numbers in support of the occupying Zionist alien government's offensive against a civilian hospital.

In the words of LARussell, "I thought about it deeply and I think it's finally time, free all my niggas and free Palestine". In the case of freeing his people, I interpret LARussell's words as a plea to free his people from the grief of suffering under the hands of the police. Palestinians want that same freedom from the oppressive policing when trying to live on their ancestral land. Palestinians need to be free from from their oppressor. Mr. President Biden, our democracy here in the US as an exported model will not free Palestine from the oppressive yolk of a controlling alien and foreign Zionist government. The search for a better answer from the US still awaits as many demand freedom from oppression and damned senseless violence.

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