Politics in the Americas

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July 29, 2011, 5:02 p.m.

Strong Women of the Americas in Politics

By Maurice Ticas






Women in high positions of power here in the Americas is a very nice refeshing thing to witness. It is also not new if you look at our young American history.

Argentinian president Christina Fernàndez de Kirchner commemorated María Eva Duarte de Perón on the 59th year following her death on July 26th wih a mural on that same day of July. As part of the Americas celebrating this year as the Bicentennial of its independence, Argentina choose this woman Eva as their cultural and historical icon. Christina said to her people that Eva not only represented the inclusion of women in Argentinian politics, but also the social revolution most important to their country. So who was Evita?

To begin, Argentina experienced industrialization with her as first lady. So it was with her that the people of Argentina began to have a conciousness of a new social group-- the working class.

Also noteworthy in U.S. popular culture is the artist Madonna who acted in the movie Evita, which was inspired by the musical. Now it is an important observation that Madonna played the role of Eva. Who better to act as Eva than Madonna? It takes a strong woman to be able to act as one.

The refresher of women in high positions of power is seen in Brazil with Dilma Rousseff. Today both presidents Dilma and Christina innaugurated together the new main Argentinian embassy in Brasilia. In her speech, Christina talked about a regional commitment to the Americas.

Her message supports what President Ollanta Humala of Perù spoke about in his innaguration speech yesterday about having a more cooperative regional economy, and not one that is isolated.

Through this regional cooperation, they are all going to fight poverty. They are talking about an economy which values cooperation and not competiiveness of markets. Women are helping to lead that brave new way.

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