Politics in the Americas

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No me cabe ninguna duda de que la historia de El Salvador se dividirá entre antes y después de Mauricio
ex-presidente de Brasil Luiz Inácio Lula Silva

Sept. 1, 2011, 12:09 p.m.

Territories of Progress

By Maurice Ticas



El Salvador

Today in the afternoon the American President Mauricio Funes initiated the month of Salvadoran Independence with a program titled Territories of Progress, an economic package which will help many communities in the country increase the domestic production of food. The program will focus on maiz, beans, and fish production. The President's speech of introducing the program was given in Jiquilisco, Usulután a few hours after having made his first presidential speech at the National Palace located in the capital San Salvador. The introduction of Territories of Progress is modeled after former Brazilian President Lula da Silva's Territories of the Citizenry. So it was very fitting to have ex-President da Silva by President Funes' side while he deliverd his speech introducing the program to the country.

President Funes made clear a few points at a time when parts of the world are experiencing an economic crises. He remarked that the government should play its role to help the poor and most vulnerable. With respect to the argument that government should run like a business, President Funes' response was that the government should function like a mother taking care of a family. The President made clear that while most countries are wanting to tighten their belt with cuts to social programs, his government will increase the programs. His Territories of Progress is such program and is his way of answering to the economic crises.

He also mentioned and acknowledged that for years, the Salvadoran government had been responsive to the interests of the very few and not of the people who most need a strong government to protect them from the market.

The program introduced today is an example of how an American country will respond to the social problems from having been inspired on how other neighboring American countries have found ways to resolve theirs. It is American cooperation in action.

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