Politics in the Americas

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No me cabe ninguna duda de que la historia de El Salvador se dividirá entre antes y después de Mauricio
ex-presidente de Brasil Luiz Inácio Lula Silva

Oct. 5, 2020, 4:59 p.m.

El Mozote from 1981 Reveals Nayib Bukele's True Colors

By Maurice Ticas


El Salvador

Lost Souls from El Mozote

There are victims from El Salvador's civil war and people from Salvadoran society who want access to archival information from the El Salvador military. There is a court decision from El Salvador's San Francisco Gotera's courtroom in Morazán that requires these archives to be made accessible. In El Salvador Perspectives a post titled "El Salvador's military blocks access to archives, again" shows a tweet with a video of the Salvadoran judge who made the order to grant public access with the colonel who denied such access to the military archives of the past. In the US, this is a rare direct confrontation, but somehow in other judicial systems around the world this can happen. I just can't judge how rare it is for a place like El Salvador.

In any case, it's not just the Judge and the Colonel on stage here. The President Nayib Bukele is on the political stage as well. I encourage you to read this most recent post from El Salvador Perspectives to see a two-faced President Bukele play politics. The President Bukele is participating on the wrong side of Latin American history despite his words communicating the opposite.

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